Sunday, 27 December 2009

Eat slower fatty!

A plate that weighs how much food is on a plate and tracks the speed at which that food is shoveled into your gob has been invented.

Apparently, speed is important. It's not the shit your shovelling its the speed in which you do it. So, eating a bucket of fried chicken very quickly is worse then eating it slowly. It's all to do with the behaviours of fatties. Fat people tend to eat quicker, and consequently the experts suggest more.

I am fascinated by human behaviour, so I agree with the premise that fat people share common behavioural traits, but eating quickly?! I know plenty of people who eat quickly and are thin as a rake. The computerised plate, just seems very gimmicky, and unnecessary, when the truth is that fat people eat more (period). Now they also probably don't get very much exercise, but again there are plenty of people who don't get any exercise, but still remain thin.

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